Our reading program is the Benchmark Advance system, in coordination with Daily 5 and Cafe. We read many stories, write stories and poems, and have many opportunities for speaking and listening. Reading is a skill that is learned throughout the curricula, but phonics, grammar and reading comprehension skills are explicitly taught during our Daily 5 period. We integrate all curricular areas with the language arts (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
We use the research-proven Daily 5 and CAFE methods for Language Arts Instruction & our District Benchmark Advance Curriculum
September: Being a Good Community Member October: Many Kinds of Characters Daily 5 Introduction and Work On Stamina Read to Self Listen to Reading Word Work Work on Writing Read to Someone
November: Plants and Animals Grow and Change December: Stories Have a Narrator Daily 5 and CAFE: Goal Setting, using CAFE board C - Comprehension A - Accuracy F - Fluency E - Expanding Vocabulary
January: Technology at Work Daily 5 and CAFE: continue adding strategies and monitoring goals
February: Stories Teach a Lesson March: Past, Present, Future; Why is the past important? In addition to continuing to add strategies and monitor goals, we'll be working on making our writing more exciting with adjectives, verbs, and transition words.
April: Observing the Sky May: We Use Goods and Services Continue Daily 5 and writing
June: Exploring Sound and Light Developing a plan for summer reading. Research tells us, those students who read throughout summer, come to school in the fall better prepared and motivated for the new school year!